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B A N D  S T A F F

C H R I S T O P H E R  J.  H E F F N E R  -  D I R E C T O R


Christopher J. Heffner received his Bachelor of Music Education from Western Kentucky University his Master of Music in trumpet performance and Doctor of Philosophy with an emphasis in wind-band conducting from the University of Florida.  He taught initially at Todd County Central High School in Elkton, KY and is currently serving as Director of Bands and Associate Professor of Music at Lebanon Valley College.  At Lebanon Valley College, he directs the “Pride of the Valley” marching band, LVC Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble.  Dr. Heffner teaches a variety of music education classes as well as private trumpet studio at Lebanon Valley College.  He remains active as a guest conductor and clinician working with groups throughout the United States.  Dr. Heffner is a member of National Association for Music Education, College Band Directors National Association, Pennsylvania Music Educators Association.  He is also a member of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, and an honorary member of Kappa Kappa Psi, and Tau Beta Sigma.

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L E D  O N  T H E  F I E L D  B Y


Kristen Suruskie

Adam Marrazzo

Patrick Hodgson




Jamison LaPine

Alydia Marangoni

Tessa Shaffer

Skylar Aiken



Ben Leavitt

Deidre Deischer-Eddy

Meghan McCardle

Sierra Fields


Low Brass




Aly Richards

Tyler Chabitnoy

Amanda Hatfield

JT Bellarmino

The links from this page are the web pages of student organizations at Lebanon Valley College. These pages do not in any way constitute official College content and Lebanon Valley makes no effort to pre-approve, review, or edit these pages. The views and opinions expressed in these web pages are strictly those of the student organizations that maintain the pages, and authors of the pages themselves. Comments should be directed to them.

© 2022 by Pride of the Valley. Maintained by Christopher Heffner and proudly created with

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